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A member registered Feb 21, 2021

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(1 edit)

hi just finished your game and really liked it hoping to see more, but I do have some suggestions first of I feel like there should be a  button to clear al mater cause it can be annoying when you have matter off screen and you can't destroy it to refill your ammo, also I don't know if it's just me but there's this glitch that if you stand under a platform and it crushes you you can sometimes fall into the map. Also I personally think that the turrets have a bit too much range making it hard to manage your health and ammo. There is also a bug that when you jump while against a platform you just won't move and then fall off. Please don't take this for hate or anything. I really don't want to come off that way. It was just some problems that I ran into, and again I still had a great experience playing and I love these types of games.

great game for a demo, I love everything about it, but if I had to change anything I would adjust the spawn rates and nurf the pearls because they are just a bit too op, but everything else is  amazing can't wait for full release <3